On beautiful sunny Sunday about two weeks ago, my husband and I went to Polesden Lacey. In this house, the hostess Mrs. Greville entertained royal family members and politicians in Edwardian era. Can you see that the hedges cover some windows? They are the windows of the kitchen and other rooms where the servants were working. Mrs. Greville did this because she didn't like her servants gossiping about her guests (in fact she herself was really gossipy according to the National Trust Web site :-D).
2週間ほど前のよく晴れた日曜日、ツレアイと一緒に Polesden Lacey に行ってきました。
ここは20世紀初頭、女主人だった Greville 夫人が王室メンバーをはじめとするセレブをもてなした邸宅です。
これ、覆われている部分はキッチンなどで、邸宅を訪れる客人について使用人が噂話をするのを嫌った Greville 夫人がこんな風にしちゃったそうで(ナショナル・トラストのサイトによると、夫人ご本人も相当なうわさ好きだったとか・笑)。
We were there for a classic car event (my husband is a classic car fanatic). But my interests were more in the gardens. So after having picnic together, I left him with the cars and went off to the gardens.
The rose garden. Still beautiful after passing its best.
見頃は過ぎていたものの、うっとりする 美しさ。
Love the colours... この色合わせ、ツボだわ~。 |
A kind of dahlia? Oh, I should've checked the name! かわいいー。ダリアの一種?くぅー、名前チェックするの忘れた。。 |
Picturesque kitchen garden. キッチン・ガーデンも絵になりますなぁ。 |
Fell in love with this allium in the cutting garden... 切り花用のガーデンでわたしのハートを鷲掴みにしたアリウム。 |
There is a pet cemetery in a corner of the property. You can see they were much loved. 敷地内の片隅に歴代ペットの墓地が。ちゃんと墓碑銘も。 |
It was pity that I was so busy to enjoy gardens that I didn't have much time inside the house.
I would love to come back in June next year to see the rose garden at its best!