19 July 2015

Bulgaria in spring, day 8 Bozhentsi | ブルガリア 春の旅 8日目 ボジェンツィ

So, this is the last post about our holiday in Bulgaria. On our way to Sofia, we stopped at a village called Bozhentsi. This is a small village famous for its traditional houses and was strongly recommended by our friend E when we had dinner together in Sofia.

ここは昔ながらの家並みが保存されている素朴な村で、ソフィアで夕食を共にした E 女史が「是非行くべき!」と一押しだった場所。

In this peaceful village,


there were a stream and...


a lot of pretty wild flowers!


 There was nothing special to see but the village itself was special and I enjoyed just walking around the village. We stayed near the airport that night and flew to London the following morning.

特に何があるという訳でもないのですが、足の向くまま気の向くままウロウロと歩き回ったのでした。 この後、ソフィアの空港近くに1泊して、翌朝ロンドンへ、旅の幕引きと相成りました。

今回の旅では、ソフィアのレストラン情報とブルガリア・ワインについて、ブログ『 ブルガリア情報』に大変お世話になりました。10年近く前の『地球の歩き方』しか持っておらず、ネット上にもブルガリアに関する日本語の情報があまりなかったので助かりました~。

14 July 2015

AMY | エイミー・ワインハウスのドキュメンタリー映画

 Director: Asif Kapadia

I'd never heard the singer Amy Winehouse until I saw the news of her death at the age of 27 in 2011. I then listened to her music and her soulful voice for the first time and thought "what a talent we've lost!"

This documentary film AMY follows her life and career with old footage, interviews with people around her, unreleased video and audio. She was known for her wild private life and it was heart breaking to see a young gifted girl being ruined in the film. But I could see that how her lyrics and her life were tightly connected, so I guess If she had led a "normal" life, her great music would have not been delivered...Still I wish I could listen to her singing as a mature woman.



破天荒な私生活で知られた彼女ですが、もうねー、才能ある若い女性が壊れていく様が観ていて居た堪れなかった。。。でも、映画では、エイミーの書く歌詞がいかに 彼女の私生活を赤裸々に反映しているか、が見てとれるようになっていて、ということは、彼女が「まともな」生活をしていたら、あの歌もこの歌も生まれなかったんだよなー、というジレンマ。


7 July 2015


 Writer/Director: debbie tucker green
Stars: Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Claire Rushbrook, Shane Zaza

Marianne Jean-Baptiste was a star in this play! It was as if she was blessed by the god of acting. Immediately after the last scene, she looked to be overwhelmed by emotions she herself created. The play is set in a office-looking room and the story is told only through the conversation between the three characters. This conversation had a rhythmic quality. At first it was very unclear what they were talking about and the play had rather comical tone. Then gradually things became clear... I'd love to see this play again! 


このお芝居、オフィス然とした無機質な空間で繰り広げられる 3 人の登場人物の会話だけで物語が進んでいきます。 この 3 人の応酬、すごくリズミカルでした。


これ、もう 1 回観てみたいです。


もうひとつのブログ『英国的庭仕事雑記帳』では、BBC ドラマ『Wolf Hall』の撮影に使用されたペンズハースト・プレイス & ガーデンズの庭について綴っています。

2 July 2015

Two restaurants in Chelsea | チェルシーのレストラン 2 軒

I've been to two restaurants near Kings Road in Chelsea recently which is rather unusual for me as I don't go to the area so often. So it might be a good idea to keep a record. The first restaurant is Rabbit where I had lunch with C from Paris. Their food is tapas in British style. I'm happy that tapas has become popular in London because I love to share dishes. The menu was really attractive so we had quite a lengthy discussion before we ordered.


1軒目はパリから帰省中の C ちゃんとランチした Rabbit。

'Squid ink cracker, sea bass roe, dill' and 'Mushroom Marmite eclarir, confit egg york'
Amuse bouche called "mouthful". You can eat them in one bite but we managed to share.

'Gin cured rainbow trout, horseradish curd, pickled rapeseed'
I did have a flavour of gin and the pickled rapeseed had interesting popping texture.

'Asparagus, truffle, egg confit, linseed'
Truffle did a good job for this dish. It could've been better if the asparagus had been bit more crunchy.

'Lamb chips, parsley, lemon, harissa'
A lamb version of fish fingers with spicy Moroccan sauce.

'Sussex strawberry, clotted cream ice cream'
It can't go wrong with rich ice cream and lovely strawberry sauce!

All the dishes were presented so beautifully that it felt a pity to eat them. One complaint was that the home made bread was too salty (it could've happened only this day though). Still it was a comfy restaurant with friendly and attentive staff.


172 Kings Road, Chelsea, SW3 4UP
Tel  020 375 00172

The second restaurant is The Painted Heron by the River Thames, a modern Indian restaurant where we celebrated my husband's birthday (his favourite food is Indian, obviously).

2件目はインド料理好きなツレアイの誕生日を祝うべく向かった The Painted Heron。

'Poppadum with homemade chutney'
The chutney was lovely! They were garlic, plum and mango from right to left and the plum one reminded me of Japanese pickled plums (umeboshi).

'Raita with yoghurt, aubergine, pomegranate', 'Beef Mussaman curry, lemon grass, coconut milk, peanuts' and 'Baby tandoori chicken, spice minced lamb, quail egg'
The spices were combined in a sophisticated way. I'm not keen on greasy Indian food but I enjoyed their light dishes. Especially the sauce for the baby chicken was a triumph!

We had bottles of beer with our meal and they put the bottles in an ice bucket. Yes, we were in a restaurant in Chelsea!


The Painted Heron
112 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea SW10 0DJ
Tel 020 7351 5232