We, Japanese people, love to share small dishes, enjoying as many different flavors as possible. Naturally we love Spanish tapas very much. So I went to this tapas place Barrafina near Trafalgar Square with my Japanese friend. This is the branch of very popular tapas restaurant in Soho. Because they don't take reservations, we went there just before opening time (17.00). There were already some people queuing! All the seats (stools at the counter) were taken before 18.00.
We'd never been there before, so we ordered some dishes recommended by a staff:
Crab Croquetas
Scallop Carpaccio
Bull Heart Tomato Salad
Presa Iberica
Although the dishes could've been almost too salty if I hadn't had a glass of wine, with the wine each dish was so fresh and tasty. Especially Crab Croquetas were extraordinary with crispy bread crumbs, generous amount of crab meat, and crab version of americaine sauce...I'm sure I will order this every time I go there. Even though the restaurant was packed, there were substantial numbers of staff and we didn't wait for anything at all. The staff were friendly and passionate about their food. All the customers looked like food lovers and people waiting were relaxing with glasses of wine in their hands.
Crab Croquetas
Scallop Carpaccio
Bull Heart Tomato Salad
Presa Iberica
Although the dishes could've been almost too salty if I hadn't had a glass of wine, with the wine each dish was so fresh and tasty. Especially Crab Croquetas were extraordinary with crispy bread crumbs, generous amount of crab meat, and crab version of americaine sauce...I'm sure I will order this every time I go there. Even though the restaurant was packed, there were substantial numbers of staff and we didn't wait for anything at all. The staff were friendly and passionate about their food. All the customers looked like food lovers and people waiting were relaxing with glasses of wine in their hands.
トラファルガー広場の近くにあるこちら Barrafina は、ソーホーの行列ができるタパス屋さんの2号店。予約ができないので17時の開店に合わせて行ったらば、すでに何人か並んでる!開店と同時に入店、18時前には満席でしたー(席はカウンターのスツールのみ)。
トラファルガー広場の近くにあるこちら Barrafina は、ソーホーの行列ができるタパス屋さんの2号店。予約ができないので17時の開店に合わせて行ったらば、すでに何人か並んでる!開店と同時に入店、18時前には満席でしたー(席はカウンターのスツールのみ)。
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Look at the colour of this Iberico pork! 見よ、このイベリコ豚の断面を! |
After filled our tummies, we headed off to the National Portrait Gallery for a live concert of Tori Tori Bird.
お腹が満たされた後は、ナショナル・ポートレート・ギャラリーに移動して、Tori Tori Bird のライブへ。
お腹が満たされた後は、ナショナル・ポートレート・ギャラリーに移動して、Tori Tori Bird のライブへ。
Tori Tori Bird is a four-piece alternative rock (I guess) band led by Rica, a Japanese girl who came to London to study and has stayed here since. Rica's whispering singing and emotional melody touched me and I was taken by their music...
ロンドンに留学に来てそのまま居着いちゃったという Rica さん率いる Tori Tori Bird。4 人編成で、ジャンル的にはオルタナティブ、なんでしょうか?ちょっとラテンっぽい曲もありましたよ。
Rica さんのささやくような歌声と波のように寄せては返すメロディーが何だか心の琴線に触れて、久々にライブ音楽で心がはやりました。
夜の美術館でこーんな絵の前がステージになっちゃうなんて、楽し過ぎる!終演後に CD も購入して幸せな気分で家路についたのでした。
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