29 September 2014

After four seasons | 四季が巡って


Now we've experienced all four seasons since we moved into this little cottage in the countryside. I've taken these photos of our garden from same position since January. You can see very subtle change of seasons. It would've been better if the garden had been full of flowers in spring and summer. I missed the chance to sow annuals this year, but I won't next year!

Nerine, as if the flowers themselves are glowing.

24 September 2014

RHS Garden Wisley | ウィズリー・ガーデン

I visited RHS Garden Wisley last Sunday. I joined the RHS so many months ago and finally I had a chance! (The entrance fee is free for members.)


There are all sorts of gardens in a massive site; mixed borders, a rock garden, a rose garden, some woodland, a kitchen garden, an orchard, green houses, etc...even a parade of huge bonsai. Almost all the plants are labeled which is very useful. I got into a shopping mode at some point to look for plants for our garden rather than admiring the gardens :-D


Realised the charm of ornamental grasses for the first time. Very autumnal with fluffy heads chatching the sun and swinging in breeze.
Erigeron Karvinskianus. The flower colour changes from white to pink. Very pretty when planted by the wall.
Maybe I can introduce this one soon.
Love these sphire shaped flowers! From top to bottom: Echinops ritro 'Veitch's Blue', Succisella Inflexa 'Frosted Pearls'.
球状の花がかわいい!上からエキノプス 'ヴィーチズ・ブルー'、サクシセラ・フロステッドバールズ。
I also loved these flowers but they didn't have the labels. Is the right one a kind of scabiosas?
Edit 1: Thanks to my friend, I now know the left one is Salvia 'Phyllis' Fancy'.
追記:友人の協力により左側の花が「サルビア 'Phyllis' Fancy'」であることが判明。

What amazed me about Wisley was that the borders were full of plants and they were all in bloom (our border has quite a few gaps between the flowers but then our garden isn't Wisley). How do they create the layout of flowers for different seasons? I should go back in different seasons!


13 September 2014

Heavenly tapas and Tori Tori Bird | 口福タパスと Tori Tori Bird

We, Japanese people, love to share small dishes, enjoying as many different flavors as possible. Naturally we love Spanish tapas very much. So I went to this tapas place Barrafina near Trafalgar Square with my Japanese friend. This is the branch of very popular tapas restaurant in Soho. Because they don't take reservations, we went there just before opening time (17.00). There were already some people queuing! All the seats (stools at the counter) were taken before 18.00.

We'd never been there before, so we ordered some dishes recommended by a staff:
Crab Croquetas
Scallop Carpaccio
Bull Heart Tomato Salad
Presa Iberica

Although the dishes could've been almost too salty if I hadn't had a glass of wine, with the wine each dish was so fresh and tasty. Especially Crab Croquetas were extraordinary with crispy bread crumbs, generous amount of crab meat, and crab version of americaine sauce...I'm sure I will order this every time I go there. Even though the restaurant was packed, there were substantial numbers of staff and we didn't wait for anything at all. The staff were friendly and passionate about their food. All the customers looked like food lovers and people waiting were relaxing with glasses of wine in their hands.

トラファルガー広場の近くにあるこちら Barrafina は、ソーホーの行列ができるタパス屋さんの2号店。予約ができないので17時の開店に合わせて行ったらば、すでに何人か並んでる!開店と同時に入店、18時前には満席でしたー(席はカウンターのスツールのみ)。





Look at the colour of this Iberico pork!
10 Adelaide Street, Covent Garden, London WC2N 4HZ

After filled our tummies, we headed off to the National Portrait Gallery for a live concert of Tori Tori Bird.

お腹が満たされた後は、ナショナル・ポートレート・ギャラリーに移動して、Tori Tori Bird のライブへ。

Tori Tori Bird is a four-piece alternative rock (I guess) band led by Rica, a Japanese girl who came to London to study and has stayed here since. Rica's whispering singing and emotional melody touched me and I was taken by their music...
ロンドンに留学に来てそのまま居着いちゃったという Rica さん率いる Tori Tori Bird。4 人編成で、ジャンル的にはオルタナティブ、なんでしょうか?ちょっとラテンっぽい曲もありましたよ。
Rica さんのささやくような歌声と波のように寄せては返すメロディーが何だか心の琴線に触れて、久々にライブ音楽で心がはやりました。

It's so much fun to have live music in front of this huge painting in the art museum at night! I bought their CD after the show and went home feeling content.

夜の美術館でこーんな絵の前がステージになっちゃうなんて、楽し過ぎる!終演後に CD も購入して幸せな気分で家路についたのでした。

10 September 2014

End of summer | 夏の終わり

Honeysuckle berries are getting their colour. I remember that there were a lot of red berries when we moved in last autumn.

The temperature has dropped since the end of August and although it's been milder since the beginning of this month, the day time has been getting shorter and shorter. Autumn is almost there in England. We've experienced (almost) all four seasons since we moved to this cottage. Our garden was full of flowers in spring but by the end of June it got greener with less flowers. Now in September, I've started to sow seeds and plant bulbs which flower in spring and summer. I'm thinking about getting more summer flowering perennials, so I often stand in the middle of the garden and get the ideas what and where I should plant, dreaming about my imaginary garden. I guess autumn is the beginning of the gardening cycle.


Hydrangea paniculata Little Lime ('Jane') (PBR)

We got rid of the bulky shrub with plenty of leaves and no flower from the corner of the garden. I planted a lovely hydrangea there. I love its colours, from lime green to pink!

This rose is going to have the forth flush of flowers.
Sedum autumn joy. Pretty pink colour a bit like a blushed cheek.
乙女の頬のようにほんのりピンクに染まったセダム オータムジョイ。
Found many flower buds of ceanothus. Looking forward to seeing all of them flowering in spring!
Time is running out for the edamame in our vegetable patch. But look, aren't they flower buds? Maybe I should keep my hope a little longer.

7 September 2014

Musical holiday in Austria - Schlierbach | オーストリア 音楽三昧のたび - シュリアバッハ編

Shlierbach is a small village in the mountains in Austria. It was my forth time staying with my friends there. Every time I stand on this hill, Julie Andrews starts singing in my head. I was just relaxed every day, reading, walking, chatting...but I also went to an interesting concert with my friends.



We listened to Yakutian Jew's harp (jaw harp) players in Molln which produces the most Jew's harp in the world. A Jew's harp is a music instrument like the photo above. When you hold it in between your lips and flip a knob, it makes quirky sound. It sounds a bit like a hormy singer in Mongolia. The venue was a community centre. More than 200 people came and a lot of additional chairs were brought in to accommodate all of us. The players were a mix of children and adults and they were all in flamboyant costumes. The sound felt somehow cosmic. Some of them mimicked the neighs of horses or birds' tweeting (which was awesome!) as well as playing the Jew's harps. It was as if they tried to show us Siberian landscape.

口琴生産高世界一の町モルンにて、ヤクーツクからやって来た口琴演奏家のみなさんの演奏を聴いてきました。 口琴、というのは上の写真のような楽器で、口にはさんで取っ手みたいなのを弾くと「ビヨーーン、ビヨーーン」と鳴ります。モンゴルのホーミーを楽器にした感じ?



音は、というと何とも宇宙的、とでも言いましょうか。 口琴の合間に馬のいななきや、鳥のさえずりの口真似が入ったりして(これまた、めちゃくちゃ上手い!)、まだ見ぬシベリアの大地が浮かんできます。

All of them played at the end of the concert even the interpreter (the lady second left).
In Yakutia, children learn how to play the Jew's harp at school.

We had dinner together with the Yakutian musicians and Jew's harp craftsmen in a restaurant in woods.


They attended the International Jew's Harp Society Congress in Germany before they came to Austria. They stayed in a vegetarian hotel and had a lot of veggies (which is supposed to be healthy). But they can't grow vegetables in Yakutia because of frozen soil. They were not used to vegetables and their tummies went funny...So they had an opportunity here to have loads of meat to regain their health!


Spiridon playing his version of Vienna Waltz in front of local people.

We moved to Franz's place for schnaps. He is the president of the International Jew's Harp Society.
We had fun night, chatting in Russian, German, English, and even Japanese!

I'd never listened to the Jew's harp before but there are a lot of keen players all over the world. I learned that there is an Ainu Jew's harp called Mukkuri made of bamboo. The next International Jew's Harp Society Congress is going to be held in Hokkaido, Japan. Hope I can be there!


Musical holiday in Austria - Salzburg 2 | オーストリア 音楽三昧のたび - ザルツブルク編 ②

Even though it was middle of the festival, Salzburg was quiet rather then festive. But it was packed in front of the venue - a lot of people dressed up. I saw quite a few people in Austrian traditional costumes (and even some Japanese people in kimonos!).

I'd never seen the opera Don Giovanni. I booked the tickets only because it seemed appropriate to see something by Mozart in Salzburg. I read the synopsis in the morning and got shocked by the fact that Don Giovanni was such a bastard! Whenever he sees a woman, he can't help seducing her. The opera opens with him sneaking into the bedroom of Donna Anna who has a fiancee. Her father comes to save her honour and Don Giovanni stabbed her father to death. He's a criminal!

So with great curiosity, we went to our seats and got shocked. Our seats were stools. Three and half hours with my feet not touching the ground...Yes, I bought the second cheapest tickets and noticed that there was a big price gap between the second cheapest and the third cheapest, but... Anyway it was OK once I got drawn to the opera.

Don Giovanni was played by Ildebrando D’Arcangelo whose sweet face and deep voice suited the character. He hurt women based on his selfish theory but somehow it was difficult to hate him. The charming ending showed that the opera depicted his freedom positively. Anett Fritsch as Donna Elvira left me with a strong impression. After only three days of marriage, Don Giovanni left her. Naturally she was very angry but still in love with him. If I were her friend, I would persuade her to forget him. But listening to her emotional singing made me feel deep empathy for her. I liked a clown character Leporello by Luca Pisaroni. He was Don Giovanni's servant and was always used by him. Pity him! He did a great deal for the comical scenes. He received massive applause at curtain call. And music by Mozart! Especially when Don Giovanni fell into the hell, it was as dramatic as Hollywood film music. The performance of Vienna Philharmonic was superb...









Don Giovanni
Vienna Philharmonic
Conductor: Christoph Eschenbach
Don Giovanni: Ildebrando D’Arcangelo
Donna Anna: Lenneke Ruiten
Donna Elvira: Anett Fritsch
Zerlina: Valentina Nafornita
Leporello: Luca Pisaroni
Il Commendatore: Tomasz Konieczny
Don Ottavio: Andrew Staples
Masetto: Alessio Arduini

The next morning at 11 o'clock, I went to a Vienna Philharmonic concert with my friend's dad. The venue was the Great Festival Hall whose acoustic was amazing, even the tuning of the instruments was like beautiful music. The program was Symphony No. 4 in C minor D 417, "Tragic" by Franz Schubert and Chubert and Symphony No. 6 in A by Anton Bruckner. Both pieces are not played often. I thought they should be played more often. Especially the Bruckner was very powerful with a big orchestra (about 80 members). My body was wrapped in sound at the climax of the music. The conductor Riccardo Muti was like a boss easy to work with who is not bossy and whose instructions are clear. According to Wikipedia he often catches flu and cancels the concerts in winter...So I left Salzburg with great satisfaction and headed to Schlierbach where my friend lives.


フランツ・シューベルト 交響曲 第4番 ハ短調D 417「悲劇的」
アントン・ブルックナー 交響曲 第6番 イ長調


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